This is our (my husband and I) final conversation about being easygoing, playful and fun together. 

It's a bit of insight into our relationship and we believe it'll give you some inspiration into where your marriage can go. 


I go through the final keys to making your marriage peaceful and walking through life in a state of calm, rather than rushing in a state of stress. 

A couple of things you'd be interested to hear...

how (and why) my husband responds when he's watching a game (live) and he sees I'm upset. From him. why receiving an apology graciously is just as important as making one. when you're more vulnerable, the spouse will be too! someone called me the "calmest person I've ever met". I was grateful (and shocked), but this conversation may give a bit of insight into why.




If you'd like to get my newly released on paperback Delight Your Husband: The Christian wife's manual to passion, confidence and oral sex, go here!

If you purchase and then review on Amazon before Sept 1, 2019, you'll receive free access to a $97 Masterclass!



Belah's book---Delight Your Husband: A Christian wife's manual to passion, confidence and oral sex---may be the tool God would use to bring light and joy to your marriage bed. 

If you're at a place of desire for change in intimacy in your marriage--men or women--consider signing up for a free Clarity Call ($500 value!) where you and Belah will dive deep into what's going on in your marriage and help you uncover what is blocking amazing intimacy! From couples that hadn't made love in years to couples who were in an affair--God has brought passion, healing and fun to these marriages!

She's currently offering this 40min Clarity Call opportunity to podcast listeners for free! Schedule here.