Previous Episode: 204-The TRUTH about "honesty"
Next Episode: 206-Playful sex life

Words are important. They can cause a wildfire or a passionate flame in your bedroom.


Outside of the bedroom:

We can be hurtful and careless with our words and say “Oh he’s my husband”. Does that sound familiar? But is he really JUST your husband? That is God’s son you’re dealing with.


If you want to get your words in line with God’s will, one of the first things that needs to be done is to APOLOGIZE. Just get it out of the way. It’s hard, especially if it’s not part of the culture of your marriage. But it’ll get easier the more you do it!


When words are on purpose, intentional, and aligned with what God wants your husband to hear, then it’s easy to truly become ONE FLESH. Generous lovemaking becomes more natural to both of you.


Now onto the SEXY STUFF:

What CAN you say in sex? Is God okay with you saying seductive phrases to your husband? Could God even WANT you both to use your words to turn each other on? What is going to encourage the bond between you and your husband? If he's aroused and you’re not (and vice versa!) --- how do you turn each other on? If you have a higher drive -- it's not your fault--but what actions can you take? What about fantasy, sexy texts, and whispering attractive things in his ears? So you might say “but I feel like I'm just FAKING IT?” or “It’s not my personality”. There’s plenty you can do!

Sexy language is going to feel silly at first. Just like when you study a new language! As you practice it, you get less awkward and you’ll push through and take courage in your marriage bed!



I want to invite you on a FREE 40-minute Clarity Call with me if these are things that you struggle with and you feel very far away from being able to feel free in your sexual intimacy. It is extremely gratifying when you have the sexual intimacy you and he crave! Go to this website to schedule a chat with me:


What happens at Clarity Calls? Well, we dig deep into what the issues are and I’ll listen and take notes. We're going to talk about your dreams and desires and we would go through what would it look like to bridge the gap. I'm going to determine if you would be the right fit for my program and talk through the details and maybe invite you to be one of the few clients I take on this month.