I get so many emails from husbands. I want to send a message to their wives...the wife I used to be. I was a wife who saw sex as

Dirty Wrong Ungodly Scary He was sinning for wanting it Too much work I didn't like it / it hurt / I didn't know what to do I don't have time I don't have energy What's in it for me? He's way too interested in sex

And so I avoided it and got resentful that the things I was doing wasn't appreciated. He kept asking me to learn more... and I got angrier.

Well God has changed my heart on this. I have discovered that God made my husband's member, and I am his wife. It is my privilege to be a part of intimacy with him. I am his only means of receiving this vital fulfillment righteously.

I believe this podcast will bring you closer to God. If you're anything like I was, I wish I had known this even before I got married. If I could only understand what sex meant to him. If I could only understand God's purposes for it.

I pray this would be something husbands can give to their wives (when she's ready---listen and practice these 3 episodes: Encourage Your Wife’s Sexuality (How A Husband Can Help His Wife Be More Into Sex) 156156/157157 first).


Podcasts I mention:

132-S: The Most Important Piece To Amazing Intimacy with Belah Rose 144-S: The Discipline of “No” with Belah Rose Encourage Your Wife’s Sexuality (How A Husband Can Help His Wife Be More Into Sex) 156156/157157

Praying for you and your marriage,
