Next Episode: 198-Fear of change

How could suffering ever be a gift? Why would focusing on suffering be a wise thing?

A lot of times the women I coach don't take the time to look at the pain and suffering they're experiencing.

But when they do that, they are distracting themselves away from its lessons--the wisdom God wants to teach us through it. And even through our AWARENESS of it.

On this episode, I talk about the 13 Gifts of Sufferings and I talk specifically about some of my own sufferings that have given me great gifts and it was because I was aware of them in the moments that God used it profoundly in my life.


Jump on a call with me personally to unearth what you're going through and use the suffering to provoke action! Check to see if I have some time on my calendar at It's a 40min call for free with me directly!


Testimonial: of a husband of 20+ years:

I just wanted to say a few things, like...Thank you!

Thank you for the time you spent with her, and for your generosity, it is much appreciated. I don't know what the two of you discussed, I haven't asked and she hasn't told. But I haven't seen such a fast change in [her] in, well....ever.

It's like she is a different woman. Actually, she is behaving more like the woman I thought I married or wish I had married... The changes I have seen in her are profound...

Again, I don't know what you coached her to do, and I don't know if she is doing it all or only doing half. But I do see a changed woman in my life. So again I say "Thank You!"


Check to see if I have some time on my calendar at I'd love to speak with you directly for free!