Spring is in the air, which means new restaurants are opening, events are happening, and your allergies are probably trying to kill you. Come to today’s podcast for the food news, but stay for announcement of Phily’s first “5 star dive bar” because let’s face it, you need to catch up on what’s happening in the ever evolving Philadelphia food scene.

A wonderful gift of jerky to start the show off Our guest is celebrating one year at one of Philadelphia’s most honored publication Our guest’s food and writing highlights over the last year Why you need to go to Café walnut, NOW… think bulgogi croissant.  Eli learns what gesticular means  Our guest’s experience as a writer for The Infatuation The BYO conundrum How our guest defined the new Top 50 list based on her experiences Our best bites at the James Beard Taste America event The Shore's best restaurant does a pop-up in Philly Marisa and our guest are absolutely smitten with the new MAWN A Turkish restaurant in Collingswood makes the debut on Delicious City, where a "steamy sauna of different grilled lamb pieces" await you The chef lineup is finally announced for the next DC Supper Club The James Beard finalists are out, and Philadelphia is crushing it A fringe restaurant gets rebranded Is The Jim the best new dive bar in Philly? Philly gets its first “five-star dive bar” Why we missed the video store so much South Street Art Mart is happening soon Don’t forget to get your tickets to Chef Radio LIVE! At MANNA on 4/26 Philly restaurant Jeopardy - Round 2


And of course, we could not do this without our amazing partners, who are as passionate about food and drink as we are:

For the most tasty, healthy, and satisfying salads and noodle dishes in Philly, click here to order Honeygrow If your restaurant or company wants to be in the headlines for all the right reasons, click here to discover how Peter Breslow Consulting and PR can take your business to the next level


Connect with us on Instagram and, of course, share your eating adventures with us as well as tag us in your posts so we can talk about them on air!