On today’s show I discuss how I think about freelance “dealbreakers,” which aren’t only the red flags I’ve noticed over time but also may simply be quirks of my personality or assumptions I’ve made. 

Here’s what I share with you in this episode:

Rethinking “strategy” and whether saying “I don’t do strategy” is holding me back. What I learned from Ed Gandia’s thoughts on strategy. Why I like to create “bridge” projects. How I’m rethinking some of my more stubborn dealbreakers.  How some dealbreakers are in my head and only cause me to beat myself up for not sticking to them.  How you can evaluate your dealbreakers and push yourself out of your comfort zone.

Biz Bite: Set a single goal for your day

The Bookshelf: “In Light of All Darkness: Inside the Polly Klaas Kidnapping and the Search for America’s Child” by Kim Cross


Help out Marvel artist Thomas Tenney via GoFundMe.  Episode #166 of Deliberate Freelancer: Smart Advice from the Content Byte Summit Connect with Melanie on Threads @MelEdits_DC Connect with Melanie on LinkedIn Deliberate Freelancer Facebook group Melanie’s other podcast, Association Station