A recent “escape” or vacation, and big family news are both helping me get through this summer’s grief, languishing and brain fog. So, in today’s episode, I am thinking about ways we can learn to love our business again when we need a fresh start in business or in life. 

I want to embrace this “fresh start” concept starting in October and for this final quarter of the year. You might not be ready for a fresh start right now. Maybe you’re doing fine or you’re in the middle of some struggle and don't, frankly, have the time to think about a fresh start at the moment.

However, I think we all should consider a fresh start at various times in our business. Maybe for many of you that will just be organically in January as we get back from the holidays. Others of you might be in a similar boat as me, where you have that fresh start feeling after a big life change or maybe the end of a big contract or you have a revelation about your business. 

Whenever the time is right for you, here are seven things to try out in your business that can help you make that fresh start:

Lean in to what you love. Reach out to your community. Reframe your to-do list every day from “I need to do this” to “I GET to do this.” Develop a mantra or two to say to yourself each morning. Separate the wheat from the chaff. Gamify your marketing. Write a love letter to your business.

Biz Bite: Get a flu shot.

The Bookshelf: “Wrong Place Wrong Time” by Gillian McAllister 


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Episode #137 of Deliberate Freelancer: I’m Grieving. How Can I Keep My Business Running?

Episode #124 of Deliberate Freelancer: How to Create Better Habits (and My Word of the Year)