We're honored to learn from Dr. Walter Moberly about ways to understand the Old Testament -- and to learn about his latest book: The God of the Old Testament: Encountering the Divine in Christian Scripture, wherein he writes about eight key Old Testament passages that give us insights into the nature of God in Christian Scriptures.
In this episode, we chat with Dr. Moberly about his spiritual journey -- and what led him from studying the classics and ancient languages to pursue Biblical studies and ordination in the Church of England. He also talks with us about how he applies critical analysis to the Bible -- while also understanding the Bible spiritually.
He then shares with us examples of how he applies his academic and spiritual insights to Old Testament stories like the Conquest of Canaan, The Story of Rahab, The Book of Jeremiah and the Laments in the Psalms. It’s a blessing to hear how he has prayerfully read and applied scholarly analysis to these popular Biblical passages.
Walter Moberly is an English theologian and professor of theology and Biblical interpretation at Durham University. He earned his M.A. at Oxford University and an M.A. and Ph.D. at Cambridge University. He is also an ordained priest in the Church of England. He is known for his creative, accessible, and provocative writing. Some of his books include: The God of the Old Testament, Old Testament Theology, The Bible in a Disenchanted Age, and The Theology of the Book of Genesis.

We're honored to learn from Dr. Walter Moberly about ways to understand the Old Testament -- and to learn about his latest book: The God of the Old Testament: Encountering the Divine in Christian Scripture, wherein he writes about eight key Old Testament passages that give us insights into the nature of God in Christian Scriptures.

In this episode, we chat with Dr. Moberly about his spiritual journey -- and what led him from studying the classics and ancient languages to pursue Biblical studies and ordination in the Church of England. He also talks with us about how he applies critical analysis to the Bible -- while also understanding the Bible spiritually.

He then shares with us examples of how he applies his academic and spiritual insights to Old Testament stories like the Conquest of Canaan, The Story of Rahab, The Book of Jeremiah and the Laments in the Psalms. It’s a blessing to hear how he has prayerfully read and applied scholarly analysis to these popular Biblical passages.

Walter Moberly is an English theologian and professor of theology and Biblical interpretation at Durham University. He earned his M.A. at Oxford University and an M.A. and Ph.D. at Cambridge University. He is also an ordained priest in the Church of England. He is known for his creative, accessible, and provocative writing. Some of his books include: The God of the Old Testament, Old Testament Theology, The Bible in a Disenchanted Age, and The Theology of the Book of Genesis.

