How we understand our Bible can depend on our cultural viewpoints, church traditions, theological background, and personal experiences.
And our view of Scripture can also be largely shaped by any sort of trauma we've experienced (and this includes trauma inflicted on us by our spiritual leaders and/or churches).
In today's podcast, we're honored to learn from Dr. Thema Bryant-Davis about how trauma impacts us, ways to overcome the silent stigma of mental health at church, ways to see gender oppression in our denominations, how to better read and understand traumatic stories in Bible (especially when the offender is seen as the Biblical hero), and ways that we can better love and care for trauma victims in our life.
Dr. Thema also provides key insights into ways to read several traumatic Bible stories; including: The Story Hagar, The Trauma & Silencing of Tamar, and seeing Bathsheba as victim (instead of David's seductress).
Dr. Thema Bryant-Davis is a licensed psychologist, ordained minister, and sacred artist who has worked nationally and globally to provide relief and empowerment to marginalized persons. Dr. Thema, a professor at Pepperdine University, is a past president of the Society for the Psychology of Women. Her contributions to psychological research, policy, and practice have been honored by national and regional psychological associations.
Please be aware that this podcast episode includes conversations on assault and abuse in the Bible, which may be hurtful and/or upsetting.
The video chat version of this podcast is available here:
Follow Dr. Thema on Twitter and Instagram at @DrThema. You can also subscribe to her podcast, videos and articles on her website:

How we understand our Bible can depend on our cultural viewpoints, church traditions, theological background, and personal experiences.

And our view of Scripture can also be largely shaped by any sort of trauma we've experienced (and this includes trauma inflicted on us by our spiritual leaders and/or churches).

In today's podcast, we're honored to learn from Dr. Thema Bryant-Davis about how trauma impacts us, ways to overcome the silent stigma of mental health at church, ways to see gender oppression in our denominations, how to better read and understand traumatic stories in Bible (especially when the offender is seen as the Biblical hero), and ways that we can better love and care for trauma victims in our life.

Dr. Thema also provides key insights into ways to read several traumatic Bible stories; including: The Story Hagar, The Trauma & Silencing of Tamar, and seeing Bathsheba as victim (instead of David's seductress).

Dr. Thema Bryant-Davis is a licensed psychologist, ordained minister, and sacred artist who has worked nationally and globally to provide relief and empowerment to marginalized persons. Dr. Thema, a professor at Pepperdine University, is a past president of the Society for the Psychology of Women. Her contributions to psychological research, policy, and practice have been honored by national and regional psychological associations.

Please be aware that this podcast episode includes conversations on assault and abuse in the Bible, which may be hurtful and/or upsetting.

The video chat version of this podcast is available here:

Follow Dr. Thema on Twitter and Instagram at @DrThema. You can also subscribe to her podcast, videos and articles on her website: