Personally, I take no prescription medications. I do not take a statin drug to reduce cholesterol, nor baby aspirin. I take nothing for high blood pressure, acid reflux, or irritable bowel syndrome. I take nothing for headaches, pain, or sleep—not a single prescription medication.

Yet my blood pressure is typically around 108/72. My triglycerides are 40 mg/dl, HDL cholesterol is 94 mg/dl, and I have zero small LDL particles. My fasting glucoses are in the 80s mg/dl, last HbA1c was 4.8%, my liver markers are all at the low normal range with no fatty liver suggested. In other words, I have perfect metabolic health without reliance on any medication. 

The majority of the followers of my programs likewise enjoy perfect metabolic health without reliance on any prescription medications. Of course, there are people who adopt the strategies of my program after incurring some form of irreversible damage such as permanent loss of pancreatic beta cells that result in type 1 diabetes, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis that results in impaired ability to produce thyroid hormones, or loss of stomach parietal cells that results in absence of stomach acid, hypochlorhydria. So key is to adopt these strategies before such permanent damage is done. People who have incurred such damage will therefore need to take insulin, thyroid hormones, or engage in efforts to acidify the stomach. But barring the development of such irreversible changes, the majority of us on my programs have no need for pharmaceutical medications. 

So, in this episode of Defiant Health let’s discuss how and why, by adopting just a handful of strategies, how you can enjoy perfect metabolic health with no reliance on prescription medications.

This episode isn't just a narrative; it's an invitation to a revolution in health care, where the focus shifts from treating symptoms to nurturing the root causes of our ailments, empowering you to become the curator of your own health destiny.


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Super Gut: The 4-Week Plan to Reprogram Your Microbiome, Restore Health, and Lose Weight

Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight and Find Your Path Back to Health; revised & expanded ed