“Our elections are changing, and they’re no longer the model of how democracy should work, an election should work... our rules don’t fit this anymore.”

— Jamie Bartlett

Location: London
Date: Monday, November 11th 2019
Role: Host

The Cambridge Analytica scandal regarding the misuse of millions of people’s Facebook data to influence elections shocked the world. The story prompted international outrage, and Mark Zuckerberg was hauled in front of Congress to face serious questions about what the company was aware of.

While Cambridge Analytica’s use of data to manipulate voting in elections was considered by most as immoral, it wasn’t strictly illegal, and they are certainly not the only company to misuse our data.

As a society, we give away vast amounts of personal information and continue to allow corporations to collect valuable and influential data. Every day we sign up and give away information to access content online. We send it to companies via our smartwatches or fitness trackers, through social media, our phone GPS, our credit card purchases, and so much more.

So where does this data go, and how is it being used? Were the Trump and Brexit campaigns the beginning of a shift in voter manipulation or has it always been this way and technology has just weaponised propaganda?

In this interview, I talk to Jamie Bartlett, the presenter of The Secrets of Silicon Valley documentary. We discuss the collection and misuse of our data, ways to limit the data we provide, and if this could cause a divide in society.

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Show notes and transcription:

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- 00:00:00 - Show Intro
- 00:01:55 - Welcoming Jamie to the show
- 00:03:55 - Jamie’s work on Secrets of Silicon Valley
- 00:11:16 - Cambridge Analytica, Brittany Kaiser & The Great Hack
- 00:22:22 - Data misuse & targeted advertising
- 00:28:49 - Obfuscation
- 00:33:53 - Propaganda and misinformation making people apathetic
- 00:40:54 - Peoples decreasing attention span
- 00:45:54 - The dark side of Silicon Valley
- 00:51:42 - Jamie’s conclusion after making The Secrets of Silicon Valley
- 00:55:43 - Self-driving vehicles
- 01:05:14 - Jamie’s future plans

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