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Many professionals are required to obtain a license before they can do their job legally. The demands of cybersecurity professionals, especially CISOs, has become more critical as evidenced by the increasing number of regulations demanding a person oversee security and privacy controls. Should CISOs be licensed to maintain a minimum standard?

Check out this post for the basis for our conversation on this week’s episode which features me, David Spark (@dspark), producer of CISO Series, co-host Allan Alford (@allanalfordintx), and our guest Patrick Benoit (@patrickbenoit), vp, global head of GRC and BISO, CBRE.

Thanks to this week's podcast sponsor, F5

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Highlights from this episode of Defense in Depth:

Almost universally, nobody liked the idea of requiring a CISO to have a license in order to practice. But, with that said, the subject stirred up a hornet's nest of discussion. Main complaint is the job changes so drastically depending on what industry you're in. Many argued that a license won't translate into success. Hard to tell how to put a license around someone who is managing risk, but doesn't own the risk.

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