Previous Episode: API Security
Next Episode: InfoSec Fatigue

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You're migrating to the cloud. When did you develop your security plan? Before, during, or after? How aware are you and the board of the cloud's new security implications? Does your team even know how to apply security controls to the cloud?

Check out this post for the basis of our conversation on this week’s episode which features me, David Spark (@dspark), producer of CISO Series, co-host Allan Alford (@allanalfordintx), and sponsored guest Sandy Bird, CTO and co-founder, Sonrai Security.

Sandy was the co-founder and CTO of Q1 Labs, which was acquired by IBM in 2011. At IBM, Sandy became the CTO for the global security business and worked closely with research, development, marketing, and sales to develop new and innovative solutions to help the IBM Security business grow to ~$2B in annual revenue.

Thanks to this week's podcast sponsor, Sonrai Security.

Identity and data access complexity are exploding in your public cloud. 10,000+ pieces of compute, 1000s of roles, and a dizzying array of interdependencies and inheritances. Sonrai Security delivers an enterprise cloud security platform that identifies and monitors every possible relationship between identities and data that exists inside your public cloud. 

On this episode of Defense in Depth, you’ll learn:

You can't just migrate to public cloud and secure things like you secure your on-premise servers and applications. You have to think cloud-native in all security decisions. Cloud migrations intensify the focus between data and identity. "Security as an afterthought" is never a good plan. Those who succeed build security into the migration. Don't let IT broker a deal to migrate to cloud and then bring in cyber after the fact. In the cloud, knowing where your data is one step, securing the data is another. There's a multitude of variances with data. There are the API controls on data, who has access through those APIs, is the data cloned or cached, and how are permissions being adjusted to that data? Start by knowing who and what should access your data and build your controls from there. The people side of securing cloud migration is critical. If your staff is not properly trained, a single mistake can be extremely expensive. Speeds in the cloud, especially if you've got a DevOps and CI/CD approach, can make problems move at lightening speed. There's a need for automation and to continuously monitor your controls and coverage. Get ahead of problems. DevOps learned the fail fast technique, but also the ability to recover quickly. If security wants to play as well, they have to develop the same strategy and tools.

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