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Where does privileged access management (PAM) fit in the order of operations?

Check out this post and discussion and this one for the basis of our conversation on this week’s episode co-hosted by me, David Spark (@dspark), the creator of CISO Series and Allan Alford (@AllanAlfordinTX), CISO at Mitel. Our sponsored guest for this episode is Tim Keeler, CEO and co-founder of Remediant.

Thanks to this week’s podcast sponsor, Remediant

Eighty one percent of cyberattacks utilize stolen administrative credentials. Yet, legacy enterprise password vaults solve only a fraction of the problem and are difficult to rollout. Remediant's SecureONE takes a new approach to privileged access management: offering agent-less, vault-less, continuous detection and just-in-time-administration. Learn what Remediant can do in a half-day POC deployment.

On this episode of Defense in Depth, you'll learn:

Privileged access management is designed to control lateral movement when an intruder gets legitimate access to your network. You can't protect what you don't know. A privileged access management program is ineffective without complete asset inventory and classification. Don't wait to begin instituting a PAM solution. It's unrealistic to believe you'd have a complete inventory right away that you could begin PAM. You'll probably have to work with what you've got. It's a moving target for all. It may be an incomplete target as well... at the beginning. Two-factor authentication (2FA) has a role. It can help with both initial intrusion and escalation. PAM's role is more refined with its ability to prevent escalation. One of the debated issues was how does PAM negatively affect the user experience. Concerns of pushback and productivity issues resulted in companies refusing to implement 2FA or PAM.

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