All links and images for this episode can be found on CISO Series

The demand for CISOs is growing due to increased regulations and cyber threats. Yet, while the demand is there, the supply keeps rotating. Companies think the next CISO is going to fix the problems of the last one. Why is a CISO's tenure so short and why is the hiring process for CISOs so disjointed?

Check out this post for the basis for our conversation on this week’s episode which features me, David Spark (@dspark), producer of CISO Series, Steve Zalewski, and Gary Hayslip (@ghayslip), CISO, Softbank Investment Advisers

Thanks to our podcast sponsor, RevCult

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In this episode:

Why a CISO's tenure is so short and why they leave The value of keeping risk management in the CISO’s sights The need to clarify the CISO role in the mind of the executive The need to clarify the CISO role in the mind of the CISO

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