On this Washington Roundtable episode of the Defense & Aerospace Report Podcast, sponsored by Bell, our guests are Dov Zakheim, PhD, former DoD comptroller, now with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Dr. Patrick Cronin of the Hudson Institute, Jim Townsend, a former deputy assistant secretary of defense for Europe and NATO who is now with the Center for a New American Security and Michael Herson of American Defense International.
— Global implications of a US debt default as Treasury Secretary Janet Yellin warns that only “extraordinary measures” will allow the government to remain solvent unless Congress raises the nation’s borrowing limit
— Political dynamics on the Hill as House members demand spending cuts across government and the White House refuses to negotiate
— Moves the Pentagon can make to stretch out its budget
— How US allies and partners view the debt spectacle and lessons on how the 2011 Budget Control Act just national security
— Washington assures Ukraine of continuing support as allies meet in Germany to supply Kyiv with more heavy weapons
— What’s driving Washington’s shift on backing Ukraine’s effort to retake Crimea 
— How Israel and South Korea as responding to US move to draw down arms from stockpiles in both nations to help Ukraine
— Biden administration’s seeks 40 F-16s fighters for Turkey in exchange for Ankara’s support for Sweden and Finland’s NATO membership
— China’s global charm offensive as Australia moves to restore trade ties
— Whether Xi Jinping is actually pressuring Vladimir Putin on the Russian leader’s war on Ukraine or merely part of a PR posturing effort
— Future of Israel’s democracy as Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu and his support clash with the country’s Supreme Court