On this episode of the DefAero Report Daily Podcast, sponsored by Bell, Cdr. Jonty Powis, Royal Navy Ret., who served as navigator aboard HMS Conqueror during the Falkland Islands war when the British nuclear-powered attack submarine sank the Argentine light cruiser General Belgrano, discusses the significance of the attack and how it changed the course of the war, the importance of clear and simple rules of engagement, lessons of the war, how the Royal Navy and UK military’s culture of flexibility combined with rigorous training were key to victory, broader lessons from the conflict, and more with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian. The interview was recorded on the 40th anniversary of the sinking on May 2, 1982. Powis also commanded the conventionally powered attack submarine HMS Unseen and two nuclear-powered ballistic missiles subs, HMS Resolution and HMS Victorious, and also served on the naval staff at the British embassy in Washington. He is now retired and does occasional consulting.