You think you know everything there is to know about someone until they hit you with the surprise revelation of the century. Even good friends can keep the weirdest, wildest secrets from each other—and yes, that’s true for Matt and Tara. In this candid episode, your hosts discuss which warning labels should be plastered all over themselves, Tara talks about the worst time someone asked her to go steady, and Matt lays out the reason he would make a terrible roommate.


Episode Highlights:

Tara discusses her inability to delay any sort of gratificationMatt reveals his family’s connection to the creepiest building in ShermanWhat do Matt and Tara have most in common?Would Matt be able to successfully cut himself from almost everyone he knows and go into witness protection?Introducing Tara “The Dream-Maker” MeltonDo Matt and Tara prefer to be thought of as insecure or vain?Your hosts give a shout-out to regular listener Jenny!Tara’s airs her contempt for a fortune cookie she got



“God did not grant me with patience, unfortunately.”

“We’ve learned a tremendous amount about each other: the good, the bad, and then the REAL bad.”

“Nothing freaks Matt Hanley out more than me telling him a story about when I was not married to Hubba.”

“Our role in our marriage is babysitting our spouse.”

“You would drop us all like a bad habit if there was some thirteen-year-old gang lord after you!”

“I don’t think your glasses are round enough to be a Matt.”

“I am still hungover from a bachelorette party I went to a few years ago.”

“What a dream-killer you are!”

“Just knowing [Banana] has increased the level of crazy quite a bit.”

“Children will sell you out like in a hot minute.”

“I have no problem being called vain—I find that to be a compliment.”

“A simple life doesn’t mean you’re a simpleton.” “Yes it does!”



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