It’s now November and Thanksgiving is on the horizon. This week’s episode, “Deep Thanks for Shallow Sh*t,” is the perfect opportunity to discuss what we’re thankful for—plus the stuff we could totally do without. Matt and Tara have compiled a list of things that don’t get the proper attention they deserve, plus Matt expounds on why he believes Wednesday is one of the worst days for Christmas to fall on.


Episode Highlights:


Children: the light of your life, and an excellent excuse to get out of plans you don’t want to commit toMusing on the amount of productivity workers have lost to watching cute animal videosGoing over the very shallow reasons Matt and Tara are thankful for other people in their lives—including each other




“We ended up having to drive to midland to get Taco Bell to cover for her.”

“‘On November 1st, I’m so thankful for my family!’ Uhh no shit, everybody’s thankful for their family!”

“If you have some kind of event and you don’t have an open bar, you’re a rude person.”

“There is an art to being sarcastic and being liked.”

“I’m gonna mention that probably 80% of the calls I’m on, at some point you’re in a drive-through.”

“I love inside jokes but HATE to be on the outside of them.”

“You do not know the thoughts that cross through this brain on a daily basis that I do not express.”

“They say that their furniture is always 30% off. Tara, if it’s always 30% off, THAT’S THE DAMN PRICE!”

“Turn on the air conditioner for your guests. They don’t care about your pancake breakfast! They want to be cool.”

“If you do not have someone who is a hype person in your life, you need to find one.”

“I always appreciate someone who has my back, even when I’m wrong.”

“I would like to be a generous person out of the goodness of my heart and not because the twelve people in line behind me are giving me the side-eye.”



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