We’ve cleared the potential social disaster that is Thanksgiving but watch out! It’s holiday party season. Whether it’s with your coworkers or a group of close friends, it can be a major highwire balancing act even just attending these gatherings. Thankfully, Matt and Tara are here to psych you up (rather than out) by discussing the dos and don’ts of Christmas party etiquette, the hazards of taking a quick nap mid-party, and why you shouldn’t have too many people in the same gift exchange.


Episode Highlights:

Matt’s unexpected run-in with the New York cab driver application processThe emotional whiplash Tara experiences when receiving a holiday party invitationWhich games are fun to bust out with a group of friends—and which should be avoided at all costsThe three best kinds of gifts to bring to an exchangeAnnouncing the new Deeply Shallow Squad members page!


“When I walk into a social-type situation where I know not a soul, I am the most tense human being. I mean, I am sickly.”

“What level of excitement are you supposed to have to see the people that you see constantly but in a holiday setting?”

“The office Christmas party is a low-reward, high-risk environment.”

“How competitive are you supposed to be at a company Christmas party?”

“I hate losing more than I enjoy winning.”

“I ate over 50 chicken nuggets that day.”

“When you’re hosting, the fun you’re getting is watching other people have fun.”

“The more clear you explain the game that you want to play, the better off you are.”

“If you can handle your Plus One anxiety, like get in there, go to the party, enjoy yourself, and have fun!”

“I will literally have my lips surgically removed if I never have to see another article telling me not to kiss a baby!”



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Shallow Squad on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1467073630135211/

Deeply Shallow Instagram:   @deeplyshallowpodcast

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