It’s not something you notice until someone points it out, but food has a central role to play in the life of faith. So we’ll hear from baker and writer Kendall Vanderslice as we hear her story and explore questions like:-What is the relationship between food and faith?-What role does (and can) food play in the life of faith?-What does church communities incorporating food in their worship look like?-How will the church be different if we did worship over a meal?And more!
Kendall Vanderslice is a baker and writer from Durham North Carolina, and she writes on the intersection of food and faith. She is a graduate of Wheaton College (BA Anthropology), Boston University (MLA Gastronomy), and Duke Divinity School (Master of Theological Studies). She writes for Christianity Today, Christ and Pop Culture, Religion News Service, and Faith & Leadership and is the author of We Will Feast: Rethinking Dinner, Worship, and the Community of God. Check out her website at and follow her on either Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter @kvslice. And get a copy of her book available on Amazon and also on Audible at