In the sixth week of The Upside Down Kingdom series, Pastor Joby taught through the kingdom of God and satisfaction.

Last week we asked the question, what are you doing with your one and only life? Often the comforts of this world have the ability to quiet God’s calling and lull us into spiritual sleep. When we take our eyes off the mission God calls us to in the great commission, we end up chasing pleasure instead of purpose. God has put eternity in our hearts so we would live for his glory.

“If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.” – C.S. Lewis

The next season of Deepen with Pastor Joby Martin starts next week! Season 4 will cover the next sermon series and Pastor Joby’s new book, If The Tomb is Empty. We’re looking forward to what God will do through the next seven weeks.

If you missed the sermon from this week, watch it at