We focus on everything, besides the large solar parks, which is actually 99% of the overall market. Johannes Burgard, Founder and CEO of SOLYTIC

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The inefficiencies of small solar installations … kind of smacked me in the face. Johannes Burgard, Founder and CEO of SOLYTIC

The Founder

We talk to Johannes Burgard (https://www.linkedin.com/in/johannesburgard/), CEO and Founder of Berlin-based SaaS startup SOLYTIC (https://www.solytic.com/). Johannes started out with studying engineering, with stints in Chile and London. After graduation he worked at Airbus, did an MBA and then started out with his entrepreneurial journey. Johannes had his first contact with solar cells during his graduate studies, which really did not let him go afterwards. He worked in a large corporate in project efficiency, which made him aware of all the inefficiencies in small solar installations. To help the small solar owner he decided to found SOLYTIC.

We analyze the performance and efficiency of small solar installations with our analytics software. Johannes Burgard, Founder and CEO of SOLYTIC

The Startup

SOLYTIC (https://www.solytic.com/) is a software-only company. They provide analytics services to small PV installation owners as Software as a Service, to improve effiency. The company merged early on with another solar software company, which lead to five founders in total.

Solytic focuses on decentralized solar installations (everything except large solar parks).

We want to provide an end-to-end solution. We offer a marketplace with suppliers connected to the analytics software. Johannes Burgard, Founder and CEO of SOLYTIC

Venture Capital Funding

Solytic has already raised 6,5 mn Euros Venture Capital. They closed their first round in December 2017. They closed their Series A funding in February 2020. At the time of the interview Solytic is fundraising and they intend to close the round at the end of Q1 2022.

We work B2B. We don’t approach customers directly, but we are working with the service providers of the small installation owners. Johannes Burgard, Founder and CEO of SOLYTIC