German Startup Awards 2021 – Special Award
The secret to winning is to have the right vision. To bet on the right pattern. … the execution is a lot about the nitty gritty details. Lukasz Gadowski, Winner Special Award German Startup Awards
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It is not desirable to sell a company. … there may be instances where it makes sense. … there are exceptions to every rule. Lukasz Gadowski, Winner Special Award German Startup Awards
Media Partnership

This interview is in media partnership with the German startup association (Bundesverband Deutscher Startups Their German Startup Awards (GSA21) honor each year outstanding female and male founders and investors in special categories. You can learn more about the winners in our interview and on our website:

It always starts with a general pattern. … if you want to get ideas in a specific area, expose yourself to this area. Lukasz Gadowski, Winner Special Award German Startup Awards
The Founder

In this interview, we talk to Lukasz Gadowski ( (known as one of the co-founders of Delivery Hero (Lieferheld) or Mr Spex). He received a special award for his special merit with and for the German startup scene. Among his many ventures, he co-founded or is invested in are Spreadshirt, studyVZ, Point Nine Capital, brands4friends, Aroundhome, Vertical Media (Gründerszene), the escooter startup Circ, Volocopter, Enpal, Mr. Spex and of course, Delivery Hero. He works with his private investment company Team Europe During his interview he also shares insights in big enablers shaping the future, which will opening up opportunities for entrepreneurs. He also shares advice for entrepreneurs on how to win, even if you are entering a market late.

Congratulations to Lukasz! Tune in to the interview to learn more.

I think Circ went from zero to 1.000 employees in 15 months. That is what I would call hypergrowth. Lukasz Gadowski, Winner Special Award German Startup Awards

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The Interviewer

This interview was conducted by Jörn “Joe” Menninger, startup scout, founder, and host of Reach out to him: LinkedIn Twitter Email

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