In this discussion from SOSV's 2024 EarthDay+ sessions (Apr 22-26, 2024), Andrew Ponec, Co-founder and CEO of Antora Energy, discusses with Casey Crownhart, Climate Reporter at MIT Technology Review, the challenges and innovations in industrial heating.

Antora Energy is electrifying heavy industry with thermal energy storage and raised over 200 million dollars in funding.

Ponec explains that industrial heat accounts for a significant portion of global emissions, primarily from fossil fuels.

Antora Energy initially explored various energy storage solutions before developing thermal batteries, leveraging cheap and abundant renewable energy sources.

These batteries efficiently store and provide heat, aiming to replace fossil fuel dependency in industries.

The conversation also covers the economic and safety aspects of thermal batteries, their integration into industrial applications, and the potential expansion into high-temperature processes like cement and steel production.

The video of this episode and more can be found online at


Andrew Ponec, Co-founder and CEO, Antora Energy


Casey Crownhart, Climate Reporter, MIT Technology Review


Producer: Ben Joffe 

Podcast Summary: Written by gpt-4-turbo, edited by Ben Joffe

Intro Voice: Cloned voice of Ben Joffe by ElevenLabs 

Intro Music: EL Waili

Keywords: #deeptech #venturecapital #climatetech #vc #robotics #lifesciences #biology #hardware #startups #innovation #technology #frontiertech #hardtech #energy #decarbonization

Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.