Sometimes, it’s hard to be ourselves. Fear of rejection can make us hide who we really are. We cover up our sins, insecurities, and mistakes and pretend to be people we’re not. But one of the most amazing things about having a relationship with God is he frees us up to be ourselves. The Bible can help us overcome our fear and be honest about anything so that we can build close friendships with God and other people. Check out this Scripture Playlist to learn more about how to be set free from pretending and build a deeper connection with God and people.

Show Notes

Matthew 6:6 MSG

Psalm 139:1-6,17 NIrV

Psalm 32:2 NLT

Proverbs 28:1 GNT

Isaiah 26:7 ERV

Psalm 97:11 NCV

Psalm 32:2-5 NIV

John 3:19-21 NIV

Psalm 51:16-17 MSG

1 Samuel 16:7 NLT

Luke 18:10-14 NLT