As Grandma used to say, "it's nice to get away, but it's also nice to come back home." Truer words were never spoken, and I was glad to leave when I did. I mean I had a great time at the Island House in Key West, it's also good that I left when I still liked the place. So, I'll definitely be going back there ... but who knows when.

So, it was a good trip back, and I dug into some more of my book "Angels & Demons" by Dan Brown (the same guy who wrote the "DaVinci Code"). I got home about 9pm last Saturday night (May 6th), and of course, nothing had changed at my house. The dogs were still there waiting for me, they're still pee-ing in my house, and I still had to feed them that night. On the lighter side, once I mopped-up the dog-pee, fed the monsters, and took care of them, then myself and my future roomie Andrew went out to dinner to the Outback Steakhouse.

Now, I'm back to work, and things aren't as hectic as they once were. I even had some free time at work, that I took to updating the Deep Fab web-site. I added the Flickr Map, the ClustrMap, the "Save the Internet" image and link, and the image and link to my Frappr map. So, if anyone feels like checking out my pics of Key West, go ahead. If anyone feels like adding themselves to my Frappr map, that's great also.

Now that I am back at work, I get a chance to listen to Podcasts again. I hate to say it, but I didn't listen to any podcasts while I was away. So, now I have to get caught back up, and I don't think it will take me very long to do. From what I am hearing so far, a lot in the podcast-world has changed. Chaunchey Madge's dog had to be put down. Wanda Wisdom is now a full-time paid podcaster. Ragan Fox is moving to Los Angeles, David that Blue Jeans Guy has a new job, and Twinkleboi and Leo have broken-up. What else have I missed?

So, now that I am home, I am also getting back into what's been in the news. And I guess the news hasn't changed that much either:

Iraqi police kill boy, 14, over gay sex

Both Sides Critical of Bush Pick

Bush poll rating hits new low

Information Clearing House

This shows Intro was: "Back Into It" by Father Rock

both from the at Podsafe Music Network

Books Referenced