Staff writer Alex Martin explains how this shift is playing out in the small town of Otama. Hosted by Oscar Boyd for The Japan Times.

We are looking to hear your audio from all around Japan to include in future episodes of Deep Dive, be it local festivals, waves lapping against rugged beaches or interesting happenings around your neighborhood. Send 1 to 2 minutes of audio to [email protected] with a short description of who you are, and where, when and why you recorded the clip.

This podcast is part of The Japan Times' series on the climate crisis. Read the full articles:

Redefining Japan's energy needs (Alex Martin)

Tackling climate issues is key to the next decade (Masami Ito)

Emergency on Japan's lucky island (Jesse Chase-Lubitz and Oscar Boyd)

Throwaway society: Rejecting a life consumed by plastic (Andrew McKirdy)

Read/see/hear more:

•  Why aren't more young people fighting climate change in Japan? (Ryusei Takahashi, The Japan Times)

Living in Japan during a time of climate crisis (Jesse Chase-Lubitz, The Japan Times)

Ambitious Zero Emission Tokyo plan wins praise, but begs for action (Ryusei Takahashi, The Japan Times)

'Zero Emission Tokyo Strategy' spells out capital's plan to take on global climate crisis (Oscar Boyd, The Japan Times)

Episode 35: Japan's first climate emergency

Episode 31: The youth climate movement in Japan is doing better than you think (Deep Dive)
Episode 15: Japan — climate change leader or lagger? (Deep Dive)

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