Deep Cut begins a special three-episode run on Malian/Mauritanian director Abderrahmane Sissako with his poetic, vibrant tragedy Timbuktu (2014). Wilson contextualizes Sissako’s most well-known work within Sissako’s varied and inventive filmography, Ben considers the humanizing characterization of the film’s jihadist characters, and Eli breaks down one of his favorite shots in cinema history. Sissako is the first filmmaker born in Africa covered on the podcast, but tune in to find out why both Sissako and the DC Trio reject the notion of a singular “African Film” culture.

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Director: Abderrahmane Sissako

Producers: Sylvie Pialat, Frédérique Dumas-Zajdela, Étienne Comar

Writers: Abderrahmane Sissako, Kessen Tall

Editor: Nadia ben Rachid

Cinematography: Sofian El Fani

Production Design: Sébastien Birchler

Visual Effects: Matthias Weber, Stéphane Bidault, Mathieu Jussreandot

Composer: Amine Bouhafa

Sound: Roman Dymny, Thierry Delors

Costumes: Ami Sow


Kidane: Ibrahim Ahmed

Abdelkerim: Abel Jafri

Satima: Toulou Kiki

Toya: Layla Walet Mohamed

Issan: Mehdi A.G. Mohamed

Zabou: Kettly Noël

Imam: Adel Mahmoud Cherif

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