In the second part of the interview with Andrew Pantyukhin, we speak about certain topics that occupy a great deal of his mindshare beyond the company that he is trying to build (Tangem -
Tune in to hear about:

Concept of money as a means of communication
Making cryptocurrencies ubiquitous - infinite cash for everyone (along the lines of Universal Basic Income)
Optimistic and pessimistic views how the world looks like in a few years
Subsistence economies and monetary policies
Synchronicity in the world
Why speculation in crypto could be a good thing?

In the second part of the interview with Andrew Pantyukhin, we speak about certain topics that occupy a great deal of his mindshare beyond the company that he is trying to build (Tangem –

Tune in to hear about:

Concept of money as a means of communication
Making cryptocurrencies ubiquitous – infinite cash for everyone (along the lines of Universal Basic Income)
Optimistic and pessimistic views how the world looks like in a few years
Subsistence economies and monetary policies
Synchronicity in the world
Why speculation in crypto could be a good thing?