Previous Episode: Who I'm Voting For

#261: How do you become a consultant? What's that career path look like? How do you know if you have what it takes to be one? What's a day in the life of a consultant look like? How much money do you make and how do you get paid? These are the questions I get all the time from college students as well as seasoned executives. I thought I'd finally record an episode and share my experience as an executive consultant and help you consider whether this is a path that's right for you.

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Tap here to check out my first book, Decide to Lead, on Amazon. Thank you so much to the thousands of you who have already purchased it!

About the podcast:
The Culture Hacks Podcast with Russ Hill is for leaders of teams who want to grow and accelerate their results. In each episode, Russ Hill shares what he's learned consulting executives on their organization culture. Subscribe to get two new episodes every week. To connect with Russ about what he does with company culture message him on LinkedIn!