What an amazing day discussing community media and why the social gain mission matters! This podcast was recorded following the Mapping Community Media workshop that [...]

The post Decentered Podcast 14 – Mapping Community Media first appeared on Decentered Media.

What an amazing day discussing community media and why the social gain mission matters! This podcast was recorded following the Mapping Community Media workshop that Katie Moylan and I put together as a collaboration between the University of Leicester and the Community Media Associaiton. I’m so grateful for all the people who travelled to Leicester from across the country, and those who sent us messages and supported the day. A few of us met up afterwards in the Six Degrees Coffee shop in Leicester, and we chatted about why social gain matters to how we think about community media, and in what ways we can be moving the debate about community media forward with our supporters, partners and policy makers. Watch out for a fuller blog report that I’ll post later on. But thanks to everyone who took part today.

Microphones at the ready!

The post Decentered Podcast 14 – Mapping Community Media first appeared on Decentered Media.