A couple of weeks ago I attended the conference of the UK Community Radio Network, where the discussion was about how community radio can play [...]

The post Decentered Media Podcast 124 – Community Radio and Deregulation Discussion at UKCRN Conference first appeared on Decentered Media.

A couple of weeks ago I attended the conference of the UK Community Radio Network, where the discussion was about how community radio can play a role in better role in connecting communities. I wanted to ask people about the potential deregulation of community radio in the upcoming broadcast legislation, and how it might effect the role of community radio as a vehicle for providing trusted media services that are meaningfully local, self-determined and service a specific set of social purposes, such as those identified in the levelling-up agenda.

I spoke with Martin Steers of the UK CRN, Jessica Memon of ROQ Raw Radio, Leona Fensom of Inskslingers  Media, and Ian Dale a presenter on LCB Radio

The post Decentered Media Podcast 124 – Community Radio and Deregulation Discussion at UKCRN Conference first appeared on Decentered Media.