What can communications strategists learn from community media that would enable them to enhance the effectiveness of communication during the pandemic, and beyond? Nicky Woods [...]

The post Decentered Media Podcast 085 – Nicky Woods Strategic Community Media Thinking first appeared on Decentered Media.

What can communications strategists learn from community media that would enable them to enhance the effectiveness of communication during the pandemic, and beyond? Nicky Woods is the CEO of Yarl’s Wood Befreinders, a charity dedicated to supporting women detained in the immigration deportation centres, who are often the most cut-off from information and social support. Nicky shared her experience working in international development projects, and described what can be learnt from community media in place that are riven by conflict and crisis.

The line was a problem today, so the audio isn’t great quality. I’m planning on transcribing the conversation so that it can be followed and the points that Nicky makes are clear. I’ll post an update when I’ve done this.

The post Decentered Media Podcast 085 – Nicky Woods Strategic Community Media Thinking first appeared on Decentered Media.