For the first time in over three months, John Coster of the Documentary Media Centre and I were able to get together to record a [...]

The post Decentered Media Podcast 079 – Lockdown Lookback with John Coster first appeared on Decentered Media.

For the first time in over three months, John Coster of the Documentary Media Centre and I were able to get together to record a podcast. We wanted to reflect on what it’s been like going through the lockdown and consider what lessons we might take from this time? We discussed if we felt that much has changed, both on the surface and at a deeper level across society. John and I wondered if we can figure out what we need to do next, and what the implications of the lockdown are going to be for community and civic media? In what way are we going to need to think differently as we try to adapt to this new normal?

The post Decentered Media Podcast 079 – Lockdown Lookback with John Coster first appeared on Decentered Media.