Cemex Ventures is one of a number of high-profile CVCs who are investing to bring innovation into their companies – but also with an view to decarbonising energy-intensive processes. Gonzalo Galindo, President of Cemex Ventures, talks about their investment strategy with a particular focus on renewables and how even the most energy-intensive chemical and combustion processes can make use of emerging tech in this space. 


With the average decarb pilot in harder-to-abate sectors costing $8-10m, we explore how they identify key technologies, the investment and JV process that they employ and we look specifically at their investment in SynHelion – bringing solar power to kiln operations. 


8% of global emissions are linked to cement and concrete production – and with global infrastructure and development projects on the increase, decarbonising this most commonly used material is essential. If you’re interested in how a leading cement producer is tackling the challenge, listen in – lots to take away on investment strategy, technical opportunities and industrial climate strategy. 



-          Find out more about Cemex Ventures and their portfolio 


-          Learn about SynHelion and the opportunity for solar power in energy-intensive sectors


-          Connect to Alex and find out about our upcoming Decarb Connect Europe summit focused on decarbonising energy-intensive sectors


Interested in Decarb Connect’s work across the energy-intensive sectors? Find out more here: www.decarbconnect.com. Our global platform helps accelerate industrial decarbonization around the globe. We do this by facilitating collaborations across the emerging decarbonization ecosystem - bringing together industrials (cement, metals and mining, glass, ceramics, chemicals, O&G), technology disruptors, investors and advisors. 

Through our membership platform, the Decarbonization Leaders Network (DLN), we gather a cross sector gathering of energy-intensive industries to share insights and experiences from those leading industrial decarbonization. 

Many thanks to Sassy and the team at Janno Media for their production of this series.