In this episode we explore how the MIDDEN project in the Netherlands collects data that ensures industrial groups can accelerate decarbonisation. Using data from across Dutch industry (energy usage, material flows, greenhouse gas emissions) the MIDDEN project offers publicly available insights and data that help hard to abate sectors make the right decarbonisation decisions. 


Join Dick Van Dam from PBL (the Dutch environmental assessment agency) and Silvana Gamboa from TNO (an independent, applied research organisation) to learn about the Dutch industrial landscape and how MIDDEN is helping better decision making. The data and reports are publicly available – an invaluable resource whether you’re based in the Netherlands or not. 


Hear more about how industrials are driving decarbonisation – follow the link below for more info on Decarb Connect’s upcoming events. We’ve also included MIDDEN’s project link: 


Show links: - follow this link to find the MIDDEN data set and reports into key sector activities in decarbonisation - Decarb Connect’s global network hub for info on decarbonisation of hard to abate sectors -  Download the programme for our EU-focused event - October 5-7 2021


Many thanks to Sassy and the team at Janno Media for their support in producing the Decarb Connect podcast.