Emily Reichert, CEO of Greentown Labs and Pat Sapinsley, Managing Director of Cleantech Initiatives at the NYU Urban Future Lab, join Alex to talk about their joint C2V initiative, an accelerator taking the first carbon to value cohort through a program to drive scale and commercial opportunity in this cutting edge category of climate tech. 


We define carbontech as any technology or business model innovation that enables the capture, utilization or sequestration of carbon dioxide and which can then convert it (sustainably) into valuable products or services. The conversation takes this as the starting point and explores how c2v tech fits as a key tool within industry’s wider decarbonisation plans and looks into the solutions that are ready right now versus those in early R&D. 


Join us to find out how c2v tech might fit into your industrial strategy or investment portfolio and to learn more about the program and the cohort that has been confirmed. 

Show Links:






C2V Cohort Links: 

Air Company (New York City, U.S.) Carbfix (Reykjavík, Iceland) CarbonFree (San Antonio, U.S.) CarbonQuest (New York City, U.S.) Cemvita Factory (Houston, U.S.) CERT (Toronto, Canada) Made of Air (Berlin, Germany) Mars Materials (Oakland, U.S.)Patch (San Francisco, U.S.) Planetary Hydrogen (Dartmouth, Canada)