The voluntary carbon offsets market offers short term opportunities and possibly longer term gains as part of a net zero strategy. But with 17000+ opportunities to offset emission globally, how can industrials ensure that they choose the appropriate programme, and how can they further ensure that it can evidence accountability and true additionality.

A $300m+ market right now, offsets are set for massive growth - all while coming under significant pressure from detractors concerned at their unintended consequences. For industrials, though, where at scale solutions for decarbonization will take time to become investable and fully rolled-out - they represent an opportunity for meaning steps forward towards net zero.

The discussion explores Allied Crowd's experience of developing a database of these projects, the critical questions and deliverables needed from any offsets programme - through to an exploration of additional benefits when we look at "when is a tonne of co2 not (just) a tonne of co2'.
