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When I was 29-Years old I had everything that people told me I should want to have as an adult.  I was:  married, owned a home, 2 nice cars, Masters in Business degree and a high paying job.  Nice people around me kept telling me how great I was doing.

Then, during a breakfast with a work colleague at a Waffle House in Tuscaloosa, AL a bombshell hit me like a ton of bricks.  The bombshell was these two things:

1)  The job that I worked hard to get wasn't interesting to me at all, in-fact I didn't like it.

2)  My work colleague was 65-years old and retiring.  I was 29-years old and just starting.

My BEST case was that if everything went tell that in 36-years I'd be able to retire like my friend across the booth from me.  36-years was longer than I had been alive, so basically to commit my life to something I didn't like sounded a lot like a death sentence.

I had worked hard and done all the 'right' things and ended up in the wrong place.

Learn how I reinvented myself and got onto a better path and how my experience may be able to help young people who are starting their careers avoid ending up in their own 'wrong place'.