After the Big Tech Hearing (check our podcast on the topic URL), it was excepted that legal

actions will follow. Google is the first one on the line, but Apple, Amazon, and Facebook will


Also, Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook and Jack Dorsey from Twitter will appear in front of

Congress to check out how they handle the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election.

After 11 years, the concept of Pagerank Sculpting surfaces again, but you should focus on what

I preach with the Topical Mesh instead.

HTTPS won. We can’t escape it anymore. Just beware the technical traps.

Google’s John Mueller gives a weird answer about NoIndex Meta Tag or Robots.txt directive.

Please meet the Step Chickens, self-proclaimed biggest cult on Tik Tok.

Should you stop dealing with your Digital Marketing agency?

Our friend Bill Slawski shares his finding about a Featured Snippet patent.

As always, this is only my opinion.

Please don't hesitate to share your point of view on the topics covered in this video.

I never take for granted the time you spend to watch our content.


The program of the SEO Conspiracy Podcast is the following:

Monday ➡ SEO Myth-busting with my exclusive co-host, the one and only Dixon Jones; 

Tuesday ➡ Your fix of Alternative SEO News. I'm reviewing every important news about the Search/Digital Marketing industry from the week before;

Wednesday ➡ SEO Stories. With or without a guest, I will take the time to dissects Search Engine Optimization and Digital Marketing topics;

Thursday ➡ this day is reserved to talk about Semantic SEO and my strategy called the Topical Mesh. In a series of 52 videos, I lay out the complete plan. This is the most advanced free SEO tutorial in the World;

Friday ➡ Q&A. I have tons of questions in stock, asked by my students and clients. 

To start off the series, I will dig into this pool of SEO and Digital  Marketing related questions.

To continue the series, please contact me (contact info in the about page on the Youtube channel) or via social medias (links below). Ask me any questions. My answer will be 100% BS Free Guaranteed or your money back (just kidding, I'm giving out everything for free);

Week-ends ➡ and/or sometimes during the week, live sessions will take place. Among other ideas, I will be performing live SEO audits.

I want to help you achieve better results; I don't want to hold back anything. 

I've always been known to lay it all out like it is.

There is way too much BS talk in the SEO industry.

Let's cut throughout the noise to have a real conversation.

Thank you very much for watching

Laurent Bourrelly


My Personal Stuff :


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