There is something really wrong, going on in the Search industry since its early days.

As Digital Marketing professionals, we own the keys to a fabulous territory called Internet.

We know how to make people, companies and organizations famous Online.

We can help clients make millions of whatever currency you prefer.

However, there is really bad habit of overpromising and underdelivering, especially in the low budget category of clients.

Agencies and some freelancers put in place a system where there is enough client satisfaction to keep on pouring money months after months into a strategy doomed to fail.

Some faults are most definitely on the client’s side, mostly for lack of education.

Most of the fault is on the professionals side because they take the money, but don’t deliver anything good enough to build a reasonable business for the client.

Especially e-commerce is a guaranteed graveyard for so many people. They dream of the wonders of Internet, but are not put in front of the reality.

Grabbing attention of your customer is not easy. With the right assets and the right strategy, it works. No doubt about it, there are amazing success stories all around to legitimate that the Internet is a wonderful place to strive in business.

On the other hand, loads of dreamers are taken advantage of because they have no clues about what they are getting into.

I don’t pretend to have a solution to the problem, but I kept my mouth shut for too long.

We need to stop overpromising and underdelivering.

To build a better industry, we should underpromise and overdeliver.

At least, that’s how I do it. I guarantee that the strategy and ressources allocation will bring results, often way beyond the wildest dreams of the client.

Also, I’m guilty sometimes of taking the money, knowing that the client has very little chance of making it. It happened, but I didn’t put in place an entire system to fuel my agency’s uncontrolled rapid growth.

This is important. 

It’s never brought up in any public debate, but it’s not serving our industry to let this bad system go on unnoticed. 


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