What I call the Topical Mesh is an internal linking Advanced SEO Strategy.

Actually, it also goes beyond InSite SEO Optimization, but let's keep it as simple as possible for now.

On this Youtube channel & Podcast, I will develop further the N°1 SEO Strategy in France.

The rest of the world is picking up, but we are a few years ahead.

Thus, the strategy is pushed to the limit, in order to help you reach SEO goals for your website.

It's not a quick win, short term trick. It's based on strong pillars of SEO, which are pushed to the maximum potential, in order to give Google what it wants.

Instead of fighting against Google, we seduce the Search Engine, FrenchTouchSEO.com Style.


As always, this is just our opinion.

We welcome the discussion.

You know what to do.



Laurent's Stuff :







Dixon's Stuff :






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