Today we analyse the ‘China tweet’ as a satirical photomontage and consider if our outrage at China is being misdirected. 

The episode looks at the tweeted image as propaganda designed to reflect back at us Australia’s hidden war crimes. It is a shout out to our hypocrisy which Scott Morrison has no right to censor. 

NY Times: Regarding The Torture Of Others By Susan Sontag

Guantanamo: My Journey

Guardian: Australian special forces involved in murder of 39 Afghan civilians, war crimes report alleges

BBC; Australian 'war crimes': Elite troops killed Afghan civilians, report finds

Washington Post: Chinese official fuels outrage with doctored image depicting Australian soldier cutting Afghan child’s throat

Guardian: Australian MPs unite to condemn 'grossly insulting' Chinese government tweet

Aljazeera: Australia’s Morrison says US-China war no longer inconceivable

Guardian: Scott Morrison's political ad is a bizarre act of self-love as firefighters battle to save Australia

Guardian: Whistleblower charged with exposing alleged military misconduct 'not afraid to go to jail'

Canberra Times: Afghanistan war crimes inquiry: Calls to drop prosecution of whistleblower David McBride

Ukiah Daily: Another Voice: How America funds Islamic Terrorism

What Is Satire? 

Khan Academy: Dada collage

ABC: New Australian War Memorial director defends $500 million renovation budget

The Australia Institute: Still Anti-Asian? Anti-Chinese? 

ABC: Pauline Hanson controversy: Chinese community campaigns against 'racist' ideas

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