Today we look at the Avalon outbreak and wonder if NSW was set up for failure by Scott Morrison’s constant chants that we needed to be open by Christmas. 

We look at the history of Covid in Australia, going back to the Ruby Princess, the cruise ship full of pentecostal Christians that was allowed to disembark 3 days after bans were put in place. The Bulletin suggests that dodgy middle of this night phone call may have related to the in-laws of a ‘powerful federal minister’. 

We analyse the optics of today’s press conference where NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian let Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant handle the majority of the questions and then swooped in to undermine her recommendations with the reminder that thinking about ‘society’s needs’ was also part of Kerry’s job. 

We end with a shout out to the troll Lisa from the SBS feed and a reminder that we need to save our facts and call these people out. We might not be able to change their minds, but there’s always the other people reading. 

Trolls don’t change their minds, lurkers do. 

Read for today: 

SMH, ‘Why Sydney is facing a super-spreader disaster’, Raina MacIntyre;  

SMH, ‘NSW reintroduces tougher new measures after 30 new COVID-19 cases’, Anne Patty & Pallavi Singhal;

Guardian, ‘NSW hotel quarantine: who is exempt and who makes the rules’;

ABC, ‘Prime Minister Scott Morrison pressures Victoria to fast-track coronavirus roadmap, Georgia Hitch;  

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