We embark on our two-part celebration of Peter Capaldi's time as the 12th Doctor with two all-time classics, Series 8's "Listen" and Series 10's "Thin Ice." At first glance these are very different stories, one a dreamlike tone piece and the other maybe the best-executed romp in Doctor Who history. Throw in the fact that these catch the Doctor at very different points in his history and you might think the contrasts will overwhelm the parallels, but that's not what Alasdair and Allison find as they dig into this story. Also, we throw in some more thoughts about "Twice Upon A Time," and Alasdair randomly pays tribute to the only two regeneration stories that are clearly better, Peter Davison's "The Caves Of Androzani" and Patrick Troughton's "The War Games." Just the sort of thing you've come to expect from us! Anyway, join us next week for a big look at the best 12th Doctor story of them all, "Heaven Sent."