We reach the end of three-part, in-depth look at the Master with watching just such a ludicrous amount of Doctor Who. Alasdair turns the mike over to Allison for a solid five minutes for her to talk some more about how much she loves "Extremis" (he's also still a fan), but then we mostly focus on what all these episodes have to say about the Master and Missy. Alasdair offers about as impassioned a case for the John Simm Master as you're likely to hear, as we try to dig into how both his incarnation and Michelle Gomez's have arcs that culminate in the Series 10 finale. Then we just generally discuss both parts of "The End Of Time," one of which is flawed but brilliant and the other is just sort of silly and largely unnecessary. Try to guess which! Then join us next week for a much more manageable look at just two episodes that are all about Peter Capaldi's face, "The Fires Of Pompeii" and "The Girl Who Died."