The world got busy around us once again, but Doctor Who is coming back, which means Debating Doctor Who must as well. Except, in both cases, we're improvising through the circumstances around us. For us, that means Allison is taking a little break through the holidays, meaning Rorypalooza must wait until the new year. But! We'll still both be doing a live show on Saturday, December 12 at 6:30 Eastern/5:30 Central. And Alasdair is going to enlist friends old and new to start exploring some potentially foundational works by new Doctor Who's most important creative voices, starting with Russell T. Davies and David Tennant's miniseries Casanova. Oh, right, and we talk about how series 13 has begun filming, how COVID-19 has affected production, and just who exactly is going to star in it alongside Jodie Whittaker...