We get back (after an unexpected but at this point probably not surprising delay) to our regularly scheduled programming with a look at a pair of Danny Pink stories, "Listen" and "The Caretaker." The former still stands as one hell of an episode, with plenty to say about all sorts of things, Danny very much included. The latter... well, it's not very good. And honestly, that's probably the most charitable way we can put it, considering we have way worse to say in the episode proper. Plus toward the end we get into a debate about the morality of the military and being a soldier that neither of us had prepared for at all, and so has more than its fair share of hedging and stammering, yet still we'd say is considerably better thought through than the Doctor's hatred of soldiers in that episode. Anyway, the real point is that Samuel Anderson is nothing short of incredible, and we're lucky to have had him on the show. Next time, join us for the long-awaited beginning of our Clarastravaganza/Clarathon with "The Rings Of Akhaten" and "Journey To The Centre Of The TARDIS."