We finish our look at the companions of the Chibnall era with a look at a pair of episodes that show some unexpected sides to our friend Graham. The use of "our friend" there lets you know we're not hiding our biases that as Graham fans, but we see him tested in consecutive episodes to finish off series 11: "It Takes You Away" and "The Battle Of Ranskoor Av Kolos." We loved the former and had little use for the latter the first time we talked about them, but how have things changed? And is there an actual, honest-to-goodness character arc to pull out of all this? Listen to find out, then join us next time for a look at also our friend -- seriously, Pearl Mackie sent Alasdair a birthday message and everything -- Bill Potts, with "Thin Ice" and "The Lie Of The Land." (Yep, Alasdair chose the second one. Yep, still trolling.)